1. Navigate to the page that you want to save.

2. If you're on a PC, press Ctrl + D on your keyboard. If you're on a Mac, press Command + D.
You can also click the star icon at the right side of the address bar.

3. When you bookmark a page, you'll be presented with a few options. One is to name the bookmark — this is what the bookmark you create will be titled. By default, it'll be the name of the webpage.

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Bookmarking a page brings up these options, and highlights the star icon. 

4. You'll also be asked to choose a folder that the bookmark will be stored in.

If you don't have a folder that you want to put it in, then you can pick "Choose another folder." You can make a new folder here, and you can create sub-folders inside of existing folders.
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You'll be given the option to create a new folder and title it. 

To find bookmarks you've previously made, you can click the three dots at the top-right of the screen to access the options menu, and then click "Favorites." The bookmarks saved to your "Favorites bar" will be shown here.

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You can find some of your stored bookmarks in the "Favorites" submenu. 

For a more comprehensive list of your bookmarks, you can enter "edge://favorites/" (without the quotes) into your address bar and go there.

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This page is very useful if you keep a large library of bookmarks and subfolders that you want to sort through