Google Takeout creates a zip file(s) that can be download after being exported from your G-Suite Drive. Depending on size and number of files it may take a couple of hours to a couple of days to create the export. 

IMPORTANT: Once the export is complete you only have seven days to download the zip files. After that, they are deleted at Google.

Steps to Follow to Retrieve all your G-Suite Documents:
  1. Unselect All
  2. Navigate to Drive and select
  3. Select Send link when done with export
  4. Check your YCOE email for export completion
  5. Download zip file(s) to your computer or thumb drive
  6. Extract files onto a computer
  7. Upload files to new Drive or storage area

Note: Sharing or Transferring files between domains is not possible. Direct ownership transfer of files only works within a single domain.